Archive for October, 2007

Istock_000000070467small Halloween is one of those fun celebrations when I miss my kids being little. I used to have so much fun making costumes for them and then taking them out with a bunch of other kids to go trick-or-treating. Lots of fun memories!

Halloween makes me think of monsters and monsters make me think of "things that hide under the bed" or "things that hide in the closet". Which leads to wonder about the monsters that we hide in our own closets.

Pretty creative segue! hee hee hee (imagine a witch cackling)

These monsters can be actual things that we hold onto that have bewitching memories. I recently worked with someone who was holding onto bedroom furniture from her marriage that ended some time ago in divorce. Every time she saw the furniture, she felt haunted by her memories. After some work using EFT, we were able to clear out some internal beliefs that were holding her back and then she was able to let these items go. She now sleeps in a room free from monsters…a room filled with new possibilities, new hopes and new dreams.

Sometimes we are haunted by past actions. That thing that we did that was so horrible that we don’t want any one to know. That monstrous, evil thing….dum dum dum. When monsters are kept in the dark, they can turn into all sorts of scary creatures. Our minds are VERY creative. But, when the light shines on the monster…it ALWAYS changes form.

If you have these sorts of monsters…find a way to bring them out into the light. Find someone safe and non judgmental to share them with. Do some EFT work. Go to a Healing Touch practitioner and allow the energy work to release it out of your body. Do some art work that expresses the monster…then set it on fire (safely) or throw it away…
Do some journaling on it…anything that can get it out into the light. Then, it can be released.

Our monsters come in lots of forms: memories, items around our house, actions that we did in the past….even crap in our closets and drawers can feel like a monster when we look at the clutter.

So, ghoulish readers….what are the spooks ya got hiding in your closets?
What steps can you take to release these monsters to the light?

I think that I am going to go clear out a really scary drawer that I haven’t opened for about a month because it is so filled with crap. Oh…and then there is the veggie drawer in the fridge…now THAT’S a scary drawer. Yikes!!!!!

Have a spooooooookie halloweeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnn!

I am married to a gear head.  Yep!  My fella is a gear head.  He is always looking for that perfect sounding guitar…that perfect sounding amp…just the right tubes for his amps…on and on the list goes.  He is a sound slut.  He can’t help himself. 

He is looking for the holy grail of sound!

This year it has been about ’67 fender amps.  He now has two of them.  Oh, I mean three of them…he has two big ones…and the other day he brought home a smaller one.  Easier to carry to rehearsals…yep.  That makes sense:) 

In the past year, I have had many tortured moments of being called into the studio to "hear the difference" between amp tubes.  Yep.  Amp tubes!  I listen patiently (*cough* most of the time) as he puts in one type of tube and then another type of tube and asks me which one I like.  Sometimes, I hear a difference…but most of the time…hmmmmmmm…not so much.  But he does! 

He is looking for the holy grail of sound.

Hasn’t quite found it yet.

I thought he had when he brought home these amps…I thought that the insanity was over.  Uh….Nope!  Now, its about the tubes.  Oh, and guitars.

My fella and I often talk about the holy grail.  Within the mythology there is usually a process of spiritual enlightenment that must take place before the person can even go and look for the grail.  I tend to focus on what happens to folks who are looking for the holy grail…..they go mad!!!!!!  And what happened to the poor fella who found it?  Was that Lancelot?  Anyway, I think he exploded…or something.  Whatever it was…it wasn’t a good thing. 

I got to thinking about this whole concept…the metaphor of the holy grail.  In modern day culture the holy grail is seen as an all-but-unattainable goal.  I think that most of us have our own personal holy grail.  It’s not just for gear heads! 

Some folks have "the relationship" holy grail:
(Imagine the "Dating game" music in the background)

The perfect relationship with a person who NEVER lets me down.  Who ALWAYS wants to listen to me.  Who makes tons of money, never travels, is home by 6:00pm and will help fold the laundry.  This person ALWAYS shares their feelings with me in a kind way.  This person NEVER calls me on my crap…but, I can ALWAYS call them on theirs.  Once I find this person….then I WILL BE HAPPY!

Some folks have "the money" holy grail:
(Oh…I know…."Money" by Pink Floyd playing in the background)

When I find a way to make, win, inherit (whatever) _______ amount of money, I will be able to relax.  I will be free.  This magic amount of money will give me peace, serenity and adventure.  When this money comes into my life, I will pay off all debt and have everything I want…..and THAN I WILL BE HAPPY!

Some folks have "the job" holy grail:
(I am not sure what music could be in the background for this…maybe some Miles Davis)

When I finally get this perfect job, I will have lots of money, be treated as I deserve, I will meet fantastic friends.  I will have a wonderful boss who looks to me for decisions and is always supportive to me when I need to take time off.  I will finally use my skills and talents.  My life will be complete and then I WILL BE HAPPY!

I will stop:)

My holy grail is finding that perfect place to live where I want to stay….FOREVER!!!!  I have never found it.  I have lived in gorgeous places and after a handful of years, I am ready to move along.  If I travel, I imagine myself living in that place that I am traveling too.  Maybe I am just a gypsy at heart…because I do enjoy the places that I have lived.  I just get bored after awhile and I am ready for a new adventure.   I never want to go back to where I have been. 

I have been in Colorado for about 7 years now…and I am ready to move again.  My new dream is Washington, or England…or maybe Scotland.  Oh…Canada would be cool too.  This next move…whenever we make it…will be the last one.  I promise.  I will be so fulfilled that i don’t want to move.  I promise!  Hmmmmmmmmm sounds like that madness is beginning to surface.  Uh oh…better warn my family!

So…what is your holy grail?
What is that "all-but-unattainable" goal you are looking for?
Where is your inner madness?

You know why it is madness?  Because when we look for anything to be perfect…to make us happy…especially when it outside of ourselves…we are screwed.  We are banging our heads against a wall.  Ah….but, it is an interesting journey anyway:~)

Oh…please do share.  I love talking about madness!!!!!!

Hello gorgeous folks!

I know that I haven’t posted in for awhile…I have written about 7 blogs…with a zillion words.  I have not been able to find a way to finish them.  I have some great topics in my little brain and for some reason, I have been writing myself into a corner. 

I have been bargaining!

When I get into these bargaining states of mind…its all over! 

What do I mean by bargaining…you might ask?

Well, it goes something like this:

Me (writing a crunchy sentence):  "Oh…good line!"

Bargaining Me (wanting to soft petal something)
:  "Wait…you can’t say it THAT way!"

Me:  "Why the hell not?"

Bargaining Me:  "Cuz….you just can’t!  Maybe, if you just skip that and say something else…then later you can slip something in sorta like that…but, not that!"

Me:  "What is wrong with this sentence?  Its edgy, its direct…BAM I said exactly what I wanted to!"

Bargaining Me:  "It’s too direct…it’s too edgy…How about if you say it softer and then later you can slip something else in to make your point?"

Just typing this is tiring me out!

Whose voice is this inside me?
Who is it that feels the need to bargain so that I can say what I want to say?

As I tune into the voice…recognition emerges…slowly…then with some embarrassment, I realize who is in my head! 

A nun! 

Yes, that’s right…a nun!

For those of you who went to Catholic school…you will be able to relate.  For those of you who didn’t….well, you missed out on some very interesting experiences (Yes, yes…I put that very politely!). 

Now, this nun is not a vicious child hater.  She is a nice woman, who loves kids but doesn’t want to make waves with the other nuns.  So, she bargains.  She bargains with her words. She wants to support the freedom within her students minds.  She wants to soften the "catholic load"…while keeping the peace with the other nuns.  She doesn’t mind ruffling some feathers…but, she doesn’t want to create any big cuffufle. 

So, she bargains.  She bargains with her words. 

I get my strong desire to respect other peoples world views from her.  I can’t always achieve this…but, I do strive for this as a personal goal.

The challenge with having her in my head is that instead of just letting my words rip…I feel myself putting my foot on the brake and the gas at the same time.  Not only does this get me no where fast…its also blows out my engine!  Ya know what I mean?

Wow!  I am metaphor queen today!

As I type this blog…I have gotten up a few times; got a yummy slice of pumpkin bread, poured myself another cup of coffee, filled up the bird feeders, watched a bunny hop across the yard, listened to a piece of something that my fella is recording…

I realize that I bargain with myself constantly. 


This nun hangs out with me often.  She wants freedom for others.  But, she imprisons herself…me…when she bargains with her words.  When she bargains with my words.  When I bargain with my words…I imprison myself.  I cage myself. 

So, dear fabulous readers…

  • Do you bargain with yourself?
  • If so, in what ways does this bargaining support you?
  • In what ways does this bargaining deplete you?

Take a moment to tune into this voice.

  • What does this voice remind you of?
  • Whose voice is it?
  • What situations does this voice run the show?
  • What does this voice want for you?
  • How can this voice support you in a new more vibrant way?

If you feel like sharing…I would LOVE to hear your thoughts!

Hello there!
It snowed today here in Colorado.  It felt nice and cozy.  Yes, I LOVE the cold.  My fella calls me the "ice queen."  The colder and snowier…the better.  So, I am very excited that its fall and soon will be winter. 

I used to live in Santa Barbara, California…it is beautiful there and I love the ocean…but, it was ALWAYS sunny.  Drove me nuts.  I used to say that it was like living with a roommate who smiled all the time…ya just want to smack em and say…"get a mood would ya!!!!!"

Okay…enough weather talk.
On to the tarot card for the week.  This one was chosen from my "Angelic Messenger Cards."



Present challenge:  Merging your guidance from your angelic teachers to help you love yourself.

"You have drawn this card to improve your ability to hear and participate in work with your angelic teachers and, in so doing, to feel more secure in relationships with other people who are less committed to following a spiritual path.

You are needing to sustain your body and maintain your inner balance more completely and thoroughly as you surmount the challenges and accept the changes in your life.  You may feel you’ve been too heavily influenced by the opinions and actions of others and that you are now seeking to stay within your own power and find your love for yourself, so that you can grow spiritually even if others choose not to."

Angelic Message

"You may not think of angels supporting your life as directly as we do, but the angelic realm is committed to helping each human being in many specific ways to transform current personal and planetary difficulties.  We seek to enlighten humanity to move more completely into a course of wise action stemming from a creative involvement with us and with all inspired teachers of love and compassion.  We are ever-present to you as a source of love and enduring support.   we are in your dreams by night and your meditations by day.  we are always with you through pain or loss, through death and transcendence, and through joy, health, recovery, and lasting success.

You speak to us and we speak to you most directly through the beauty of Flowers on your Earth.  The flowers are our angelic messengers, meant to offer you our love and support.  When you look into the face of a flower you see the Universe, the galaxies, the starts, and the planets sprinkled and clustered across the sky.  You see life, death, and re-birth.  You see human frailty, fear, and loss as well as courage, joy, and ascension.

Working with flower images will help you develop your intuition and your ability to more readily interpret life symbolically and archetypally.  Guidance is everywhere around you.  As you accept that you and we are one, then the fact that you are for the moment physical and we are for the time being no physical will present no barriers to our being together.

We speak to you through flowers so that you can draw essential help and love for your own life.  There are lessons to be learned by observing flowers.  You can hear us each day, each moment, and benefit from closing the space between your heart and our love, between your point to transformation and our assurance of your eternal life."

Spiritual Opportunity

The guidance being shared with you is to focus on the power of challenge and the importance of lessons learned.  Even though you may experience stressful, fearful or anxiety-producing times in your daily living, Source continues to reach out to you.  You benefit from listening in love to your spirit and to your non-physical teachers. As you grow through challenges to your physical health and the continued well-being and growth in your relationships, your spirit is sustaining and strengthening you and encouraging your acceptance of lasting well-being.

You are more effective, productive, and capable of love yourself when you seek and live the guidance that is so continually available to you through flowers.  You will be more successful in finding happiness in your own partnership or close relationships as you accept your own spiritual center and seek to know it better.  If others talk behind your back or misrepresent your motives, or if people you love seem to wobble and vacillate emotionally and seem unable to offer you what you need, understand that they too are seeking a spiritual center, whether they are able to verbalize that search or not.

Unconditional love for self and others, fairness, compassion, understanding, lack of judgment–all are qualities that emerge when individuals are sustained by their spirit and they know it.

Here are some questions to ask yourself the next time you have an upsetting or incomplete conversation:

  • What can I take in from the conversation that can help me?
  • What belief about myself is being challenged?
  • What am I willing to admit about myself and the other person without judging the rightness or wrongness of either my response or that of the other person?

Be easy with all of this…its meant to soothe…not hurt!

Hello there fabulous readers!  Today’s blog post is a joke…because I LOVE jokes…unless they are too crude… then I just have to zone out and hope that the whole thing is over soon.  This joke was sent to me by my fabulous friend Sheryl. 


A guy is driving around the back woods of Tennesse and he sees a sign in front of a broken down shanty-style house: "Talking Dog For Sale."
He rings the bell and the owner appears and
tells him the dog is in the backyard.

The guy goes into the backyard and
sees a nice looking Labrador retriever
sitting there.

"You talk?" he

"Yep," the Lab replies.

After the guy recovers from the
shock of hearing a dog talk, he says
"So, what’s your story?"

The Lab
looks up and says, "Well, I discovered that I could talk when I
was pretty
young. I wanted to help the government, so I told the CIA.
In no time at all
they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and
world leaders, because no one figured a dog would beeavesdropping. I was one
of their most valuable spies for eight years running."

"But the
jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn’t getting any younger
so I decided to settle down. I signed up for a job at the airport to do some
undercover security, wandering near suspicious characters and listening in.
"I uncovered some incredible dealings and was awarded a batch of medals. I
got married, had a mess of puppies, and now I’m just retired."

The guy is
amazed. He goes back in and asks the owner what he wants for
the dog.

"Ten dollars," the guy says

"Ten dollars? This dog is
amazing! Why on earth are you selling him so

"Because he’s a
liar. He never did any of that shit."

Have a hilarious day!


Istock_000003356644xsmallGood day everyone!

Are any of you fabulous folks klutzy? 
Do you have any friends that are klutzy?
What is your reaction when you see someone trip or walk into something?

When I see someone trip of walk into something…my tendency is to laugh (as long as they are not hurt…of course!).  This is a sort of nervous laugh because the truth is… I am klutzy. 

I can’t help it!

There must be a klutzy gene…because I have it and have been this way for as long as I can remember.  No matter what I do to tune into a more graceful tone…I wind up walking into a wall, or tripping over my skirt, or running into some object.  This is NOT because I am not present and in my body.  I AM!!!!

Case in point:  I am in the grocery store the other day…shopping for this and that…relieved that I finally am in the store getting this done. I was looking at a variety of teas…reading the ingredients…enjoying all the variety…then, I took a box of peppermint tea off the shelf…and (I am not kidding) a bunch of other tea boxes came flying off the shelf.  They didn’t just fall off the shelf…they FLEW off the shelf.  Not just one box….not just two boxes…but a gazillion boxes!  And worst of all…there were witnesses! 

Now, this is not the only time this sort of thing has happened.   It has happened since I was a puny kid.  "It" got worse when I was in 6th grade.  I grew 7 inches that year and ended up at 5’9 and a 1/2…yikes!  My legs were like thin pipe cleaners and I ran into everything.  All the base boards by the kitchen sink where dented because I couldn’t stop my feet from banging into them. 

I had a neighbor friend and we were in a race to see who would be taller.  This was fun, until we were in 6th grade and we were growing like weeds and we became fearful that we would never stop growing.  Then, the game changed to "which one of us was going to be shorter!" 

My mother was very concerned about this!  I was growing too tall and I was running into too many things.  She used to yell at me in frustration:  "control your body Lynne!" 
She came up with the brilliant idea to try and help me achieve more grace by walking around with books on my head.  Are you kidding?  I couldn’t even make it down the hall without tripping!!!  So, I had my "lessons" weekly.  I would put a book on my head and try and walk around the room with it.  After dropping the book onto the floor and running into the side table with my moms favorite statue, knocking the statue over while trying to stop from knocking over the table….my mom moved me outside.  Well, that didn’t help either.  I would trip over the bricks and clip my foot on the hose…after awhile, I thought all of this was hilarious.  She didn’t!

Then there were the teen years.  Trying to be all laid back…talking to a guy…and I would trip, or run into things…or drop stuff…or or or…just fill in the blank!  Some fellas thought this was charming and some headed for the hills…very gracefully I might add!

My worst klutzy moment though was when I was going to a college in San Luis Obispo…I was trying to pass some stupid Algebra class so that I could finally get my college degree (I had tried to pass some form of this class 4 other times…don’t ask!).  Anyway, I was walking down a hallway with a friend and we were walking at a good clip, talking…when I walked full on into a cement pillar.  A huge cement pillar.  My books went flying and I saw stars!  My friend was horrified!  Needless to say, I didn’t understand a damned word in class that day!  Come to think of it…I never understood a damned word in that class on any day!

Obviously, this klutziness still prevails to this day.  If I am in a store with fancy pants dish ware, I won’t touch anything…I just browse.  I watch my friends touch things with utter grace and poise…how the hell do they do that?  I have tried many things to tame my inner klutz…yoga, dance, visualization…

Nothin has helped..
so, whatz next for me?

I think that it is time to embrace my inner klutz…throw it a party:)
Let go of the embarrassment…and just have a good time…though I don’t think I will be going into a china shop anytime soon!

Have a klutzy day:)


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