Archive for June, 2008

Good day lovely readers!

My oldest son, who is now 23 years old, has moved back in with us for awhile. He is saving up money to go back to school and is tired of living alone. He has been on his own for a couple of years now…tried to get some friends to share an apartment…but, they all want to stay living in their parents basements.

The nifty part of this is that he really likes us. We really like him! We like each other as people. I can’t say that I had the same feeling about my folks at his age! My other son, who is 21 years old, has been couch surfing between our house and his dads house for the last handful of months. He has taken some cool trips during all this and has had some interesting adventures.

I love hanging out with my boys sons.

But…… (more…)

Okay…so, I have been writing this last week about beliefs.

And…man oh man– do I got a doozie!

I believe that I suck at technology! Trust me, I got tons of proof.

Here is a just a small piece of the proof:

After deciding that I did not need to take any more ibuprofen (800 MG)…besides I was almost out of it…I have been slowly hurting more and more every day. At first, it was just a little bit of cramping…Down There . Then there was more cramping…Down There . And last night…I woke up to a ton of cramping Down There. The worst pain is where my right ovary used to be…is this phantom ovary pain?????

I dunno…but, what ever it is….it hurts!!!!

And because I am who I am (more…)

Hi there!

I had all of these blog post ideas yesterday and absolutely no energy to finish them. I even posted one that was half written, by accident…don’t know how that happened. Anyway, if you read it…sorry ’bout that. I am sure that it made no sense at all!

Since my surgery, I have been progressively feeling stronger and more energized…but yesterday….NOT! I hit an energetic wall. My doctor had mentioned this would happen during the next handful of months. But, because I am who I am…I thought: "Nah! Not me!!!!" Well…guess I was WRONG!!! I spent the whole day on the couch watching movies.

While I was on the couch watching movies, my youngest was busy packing for a trip. He tried this trip a few weeks ago, but since it was still snowing in the Rocky’s, (more…)

Hello you gorgeous readers!!!!

I Just returned from an amazing EFT conference focusing on Chronic illness and Disease. It was three days of learning and tapping….two of my favorite things to do!

One topic that was discussed in a variety of different ways, was how beliefs are formed. Now, for those of you who have been reading this blog for awhile…you know that this is one of my passions. I write about beliefs alot. And if you work with me….I am sure that I drive you crazy with this focus…over and over again.

So, what is so important (more…)

Good Day Fabulous Folks!!!

What is your biggest fear?

How is that for a lead sentence?

We all have something that scares the crap out of us.

I have a few somethings:

1.  Every one I love will die and I will be stuck on this planet alone….FOREVER

2.  Tarantulas…oh, and spiders that are black and shiney…ewwwwwww

3.  Percentages and Numbers

That about sums it up…hee hee!

Now, I am not particularly afraid of a number that stands alone.  If I type a number 5 here…I don’t start to sweat.  But, If I add an action next to the number (more…)

Hi there fabulous folks!

I hope you have found it easy to follow me over here to Word Press. For those of you who are having difficulties signing up for this blog…I am going to write up step by step directions for you…as soon as I figure out how to do it!!! For now, you can try going to my website: www.lynnemorrell and clicking on "BLOG" up on the navigation bar.

Okay…now on to the topic at hand….lost emails…lost posts…lost and NOT found! Yesterday, I wrote a post in the morning. A fairly funny post, and I couldn’t figure out a good ending, so I saved it for later. At least, I thought I saved it! When I came back to finish it up…it was gone. "Well," I thought, "I am new at this. I probably didn’t do it right!"

I tried it again.

This time, the post was not very funny (I had used up all my hilariousness for the blog that had disappeared) so, I hit SAVE again…and TA DAH…disappeared…AGAIN!!!

Now, I know that I am technologically challenged…but, COME ON!!!! I closed my WordPress thingie (more…)


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