Archive for July, 2008

Hello there!

It is a common phenomena that folks feel tons better after a session…or a conference….or a retreat….or…add your own self improvement experience here ________! Then, after a bit of time, all that great feeling begins to slip away. And soon…it’s gone. Swallowed by the day to day of life.

So, where does that good feeling go?

Did it take off to Tahiti? Maui? The Bahama’s?

(can you tell that I am TOTALLY missing the beach right now?)

Well, you see, we have path ways in our brain. Our synaptic responses follow the path of least resistance. Guess what folks? The path of least resistance is the path most used! Yep, that’s right…the path most used are made up of the thoughts that we think most often.

Another way to look at this is to imagine (more…)

Ready for a rant? I know…I know…I shouldn’t be using my blog for a place to rant…but, it’s my blog…and I can rant if I want to!!!!

So, here it goes…What is the OBSESSION this country and it’s folks have with fire works? When my kids were young, there was always THAT kid who loved to light things on fire, and blow things up.

Remember THAT kid?


That’s the one.

It was the kid (more…)

Hello you cute as a button reader!

I recently started to notice that my fella and I start our day with our own language. Here is how it went this morning when we woke up:

ME: "Mornin’ sparkles"

My Fella: "Mornin’ Sprinkles"

ME: (In a sing song voice) "It’s time time time…for coffeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

My fella: "Yum Yum Yum Yum cofffeeeeeeeeeeee!"

We got up…gave our dog a cookie and then went and made coffee. Actually, my fella makes the coffee…cuz mine sucks! I clean the coffee pot when we are all done!

This morning, we decided to play coffee shop…yes, we are that cute! As we sat waiting for the coffee to do what it needs to do in order for us to be able to main line it (more…)

Hi there you fabulous readers!

Many people sign up to work with me because they want to loose weight. After exploring this and that and the other thing for a bit…almost everyone lands in the light bulb moment of: "Oh man….this ain’t really about the food! Is it?"


If loosing weight was all about cutting out certain foods and excercising… then folks would be able to this fairly easily. If loosing weight was about will power…it would be a piece of cake! Or…no cake! Loosing weight is a package deal. It’s about food…it’s about moving your body, it’s about clearing out limiting beliefs, it’s about self love. It is about unconditional self love.

If your thoughts say: "I am discusting because I ate that bag of cookies!"

This is NOT a very unconditionally loving thought to think of yourself.

Your body listens to what you say. Your body (more…)


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