Archive for January, 2009

Okay…so, yesterdays post was kind of intense.  Ya, I know.  The shadow can feel…ummm…. kind of painful sometimes~ Looking at the shadow can be very humbling indeedy!

Let’s take a look at the light side…the sunnier side 😉

On yesterday’s post I had you think of someone who really bugs you…today let’s do the opposite.  Think of someone who you like…or better yet…who inspires you.  What about them inspires you?  What are the traits that inspire you?

I have been blessed with amazing friendships…I have had people (more…)


Last night, I went with a friend of mine to see Debbie Ford.  I have read a few of her books and LOVE her work…she is all about the shadow.

What is the shadow?

Well, think of a person that drives you nuts…or better yet…pisses you off…or even better better yet…someone you hate!  Now, think about what you hate about that person…what are the traits that this person has that rubs you the wrong way.  It is not about the behaviors…it is about the traits. For example: let’s say that the person you are thinking of (the one who makes you want to scream!) is ALWAYS late.  Being late is a behavior.  What is the trait behind being late?




Okay.  So now that you have thought of a trait…or a string of them. (more…)

Okay…get your heads out of the gutter…I am talking about something else!

The title of this post is 2 fold.  First, I am trying to create titles that capture interest.  Did this title capture your interest?

Secondly, I wanted to find a light-hearted way to chat about how averse we have become, as a culture, to making mistakes.  Or not being perfect at a particular skill.  This has played out in a big way politically over the last bunch of years.  I was secretly relieved when President Obama with the Justice dude, flubbed up their lines when he was sworn in.  I was glad because I knew that school kids all over the country were watching this…and maybe thinking “well, if they screw up their lines…maybe it is okay if I do!”  At least that is what I hope they were thinking! (more…)

As some of you know we have a crazy dog and her name is Elly.  She is a Blue Heeler.  Some how the wires were crossed in her brain and she has fear/aggression.  What this means is that if you were to come over to my house, I would first ask you if you mind dealing with the rules that you would need to follow in order to keep you safe from her biting you.

Rule #1: Do NOT put your hands down.  If you do…she will reach up and nip at them!

Rule #2: Do NOT try and pet her…even if she is looking at you with adoring eyes…she will still freak out and bite you! (more…)

This whole idea (including the title) was stolen by me from this guy.  The guy who came up with this is a friend of a friend.  He writes a weekly column for the Aspen CO paper.  He is HILARIOUS!!!!  Check him out at:  It will be well worth it!!

So, 25 Random things about me…(idea stolen from Mr. Smith)

1. I always announce to my family that I am going to the bathroom.  I don’t know why I do this.

2. I HATE mayonnaise.  Sometimes I even have a gag reflex when I see commercials of people slapping it on stuff.  I feel kinda ill just writing about this. (more…)

Chug. Chug. Chug.

Puff. Puff. Puff.

Ding-dong, Ding-Dong.

The little ovary was a busy little bee.  Working hard to do this, that, and the other thing.  She had been alone for quite a few months trying her best to do all that needed to be done.  Lots of paper work, lots of messages to be sent to this place and that place…trying to keep everything in balance.  It was a big job for such a little ovary.

One day, she noticed that she was getting a little tired. She just couldn’t keep up.  Didn’t matter how much over time she put in…there was always more to do.  She kept (more…)


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