Archive for February, 2009

Hi there!

It’s another gorgeous day here in Colorado…clear crisp skies.  Birds are a chirpin’…bunnies are a hoppin’…and I am sittin here freakin’ out!

I did a practice radio show with my friend Christine yesterday.  She sounded so calm and together.  Her voice was smooth, her words clear…and her sentences made sense.

Not me.

My “s’s” sounded very lispy and my voice did not sound calm.  In fact, it had a sort of shutter to it!  My words sort of made sense and when I laughed it was close to a cackle.

Uh-oh! (more…)

Hi there!

It’s another gorgeous day here in Colorado…clear crisp skies.  Birds are a chirpin’…bunnies are a hoppin’…and I am sittin here freakin’ out!

I did a practice radio show with my friend Christine yesterday.  She sounded so calm and together.  Her voice was smooth, her words clear…and her sentences made sense.

Not me.

My “s’s” sound very lispy and my voice did not sound calm.  In fact, it had a sort of shutter to it!  My words sort of made sense and when I laughed it was close to a cackle.


Doing this radio show is an edge.  Or a cliff…which I have fallen off of.  Or maybe it’s more like a bleeding edge.  Whatever ya wanna call it…this decision to do this is a huge hurtle for me.  I have been working to get over this anxiety/fear since I was young.  We are talking a long long long long long time! And here I am again…braving this cliff.

The desire to get over this fear is huge for me. Freedom is one of my top values…in fact, it is my top value.  And this whole “scared to do anything public” really imposes too much restraint to my freedom loving self.  I want to be free to CHOOSE whether I do something or not, from the place of freedom…not from the place of avoidance of fear.

So, dear brilliant readers,  what is your edge?

What is the experience that you have always wanted but you have been afraid of?

Many times these desires are hiding a bit.  They are secrets that we keep from ourselves because the perceived risk seems to high.

So…what is your secret edge?

Look to the big things and the little things.  The mind blowing experiences and the small experiences.

You know that you have an edge when part of you really wants this and another part of you is screaming “no flippin way!!!!”  It is a big ol’ paradox!

Have fun freakin out!

Signed:  Cliff Jumper in Colorado

As many of you know, I have had my share of run ins at the doctors office.  It started many years ago…at around 14 years old when I had my first bladder infection.  I was in extreme pain, didn’t know what was going on and told my mom something was wrong.  She took me to a “specialist” who proceeded to ask me these types of questions:

Doc:  “Does this hurt here?”

Me: “Uh-yes”

Doc: “How about here?”

Me:  “No.” (more…)

When I first started this blog I thought that I was gonna focus on little helpful hints for folks…little self growth helpful hints…or little bursts of compassion helpful hints…but, soon I got sorta bored.  I still sprinkle some of those things through out various posts but this blog has evolved into a random stream of consciousness.

The radio show beginning March 2nd will be much more focused :)

So, without further ado, I would like to share my stream of consciousness for this morning: (more…)

Hi there!   Hope this post finds you doing okie dokie:)

As an EFT Practitioner, I work with tons of folks who are dealing with some hard core anxiety.  EFT is an amazing tool to use on anxiety.  Anyway, I thought that I would share a bit of my own story around anxiety…actually that is too polite…it wasn’t anxiety…it was sheer panic…like the kind you get when your breath gets sucked out of your chest and you think you are gonna die.  Yep!  That is what it has been like for me.

As a kid, doing anything in front of my class was very scary…you know…those reports that you would have to read in front of the class?  I even had trouble reading out loud in class.  Since those were things that were done a lot, I was always nervous at school. (more…)

Okay.  So, I get that I am just not as leading edge as I like to think.  The work that I do with my clients is definitely the leading edge…or the bleeding edge…of energy psychology. And I am continuously researching and reading up on new tools…etc…etc.  I love working with people assisting them in moving their lives forward.

BUT…along with this is the other side of my business.

The marketing side. Most all of my marketing is done on the internet,  which is a brain bender for my little mind!

I do pretty good with my blog.  I try to write at least twice to thrice a week (which is not so easy for me, cuz I am just not that prolific).  I visit other blogs and comment on the various conversations.  I really enjoy this part.  I love reading what other people write… (more…)


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