I am very disappointed to tell you that I am now a statistic.  I mean…I have been all year.  I have been in denial about this particular fact.

I have always prided myself in the story that I have experiences that only a small amount of other people have ever had.  And in my crazy made up inner world…I tell myself that I am one of the few to experience so many of them….and still be standing…sorta straight (I do have a bit of a down turn to my shoulders!).   A wee bit of my ego has been tied into this!

I guess what I am trying to say here is that I have never ever ever been a middle of the roader.  Ever.  Not even as a kid.  I tend to be more of a fringe kind of gal.  And yes, I even had a purple fringe suede jacket some years ago that I wore with my fringe moccasin boots.   😉 (more…)

Since last writing in my very painful blog…well, actually my blog isn’t painful per say…it’s  been painful writing in the damned thing…

Where was I????

Oh ya…painful…writing…blog…

So here is how things have been going:

The last few weeks, I wake up, grab a bowl of coffee, read my emails, look at my schedule to see who I get to tap with, and then sit and stare blankly at my computer screen waiting for some inspiration…something….anything. (more…)

Somewhere between here and there, it got lost.

It ain’t under there.

It’s not behind that.

It’s not up top.

It’s not down under.

It ain’t here.

It’s like it never was here.

It has completely disappeared. (more…)

So, I met with WordPress Dude yesterday at the coffee shop.  He wanted to show me how to move my old website pages over to this new fangled wordpress land.  He very kindly sat there and graciously nodded in support as I clicked on this, that and the other thing, while constantly looking over at him to make sure I was doing it right. I needed MAJOR hand holding.


After we…I mean…after I moved over 6 whole pages, we turned to my blog.

How do I put up a video?

I am so proud of myself…I posted three of them.  One got messed up.

How do I post a picture?

Today, brave readers…I am going to do this for your entertainment.

Can I have a drum roll please?

Lowering the lights…spot light on me?

Okay, that is a bit too intense…let’s bring the lights back up 😉

Here we go…

Oh my gawd….I did it!!!!!  And it only took me a few tries 😉

Hope that I remember how to do this tomorrow~

Now I am going to pass out from sheer mental exhaustion.



I think this worked…be back later.  I am off to go pass out!



:)  Hee hee

I am going to attempt a major trick this morning…after only ONE cup of coffee.  Well, if you must know…I have already poured my second cup.  But, I rarely drink the whole thing.

Is this a juggling trick?

Nope.  but, I can juggle…I am actually pretty good at it…once I get goin. 😉

Is this a math problem?


Silly. (more…)


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