
I know this is so weird.

I haven’t written anything about the holidays…and today it ain’t gonna happen either.

Instead I am going to entertain you with a funny little story of how I finally heard my first porn message…ever.  You see, I have never seen porn (well, that’s not true.  I saw one porn movie in college during a sexuality class.  Something about a woman who needed her copier fixed).  And once by accident, I ran into some online porn when I was doing a search on ‘big pickles.’ Don’t ask.

But, that is really is not much exposure. I still see myself as a porn virgin of a sort!

So…on with the story :) (more…)

Greetings fellow Earthlings~

I know that you are going to be shocked.

I know that you are going to shake your head.

Your thinking to yourself: Is she really going to talk about the ‘M” word?


I am.

It is an alien conversation for this blog but one that has been in my cute little brain for awhile.

And these days I have lots of folks calling me and emailing me asking me about the ‘M’ word.  They are asking me how I do it.  It’s totally nuts. (more…)

Hi there everyone~

Winter is here…a few weeks early.  It is snowing…and gorgeous…and fer-eezing!!!!  You see, I am originally from California so, when it snows I feel like a big kid.  I run around the house, clapping my hands and singing “let it snow~ let it snow~ let it snow!!! ” I just can’t help myself.

This morning I sang my song holding my cup of coffee and looking out of every window in the house allowing optimal viewing from all directions.

I took a nice warm shower…singing more snow songs…hopped out and got dressed. Well, sorta.  I put on sweat pants and a warm shirt cuz I had to go to the mail box…I was planning to change back into my jammies as soon as I came back into the house 😉 (more…)

My fella brought home a lovely bouquet of flowers and since I was back to back with clients, I decided to put the flowers into a glass filled with water.  That way they would stay nice and hydrated until I could arrange them in a vase.

A few hours later, I had a break and created a fabulous arrangement in my favorite vase.  Put the flowers on the table and stood back to enjoy them.

Then I had a quick lunch and started to read my notes to get ready to chat with my next wonderful client.  After reading my notes, I did my lunch dishes and then noticed that I hadn’t taken my probiotic yet…so, I grabbed a couple (more…)

Imagine the main character is speakin’ like he’s from the Bronx or somethin’:

This holiday is a tough one.

At least for me.

You see…I am a Thanksgiving turkey.  They even call me that down here at the yard.  All my family thinks that this is some kind of honor.  Like this is good for the family or somethin’!

But not me.

Just the sound of “Thanksgiving Turkey” makes my skin crawl.  It’s like I am havin some kind of premonition or somethin.  Anyway, everyone here thinks I am crazy when I start talkin about it.  Like I am being negative or something.  My friends keep saying that I am being fatalistic…I think that I am being realistic! (more…)

Dear Magic 8 ball…

Me: Am I going to be able to come up with some new interesting blog ideas?

Magic 8 Ball:  Yes!

Me: When?

Magic 8 Ball: Outlook is good (more…)


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